Journal Management
Kerygma’s editorial process is structured with systematic procedures intended to assist the editors, associate editors, reviewers, and authors in the editorial process. Besides the Editorial Board, the journal also has an experienced office staff supporting all processes in order to assure publication quality, timeliness, and adherence to other requirements of indexing services such as Web of Science, Scopus, SciELO, and COPE’s Guidelines, and subscribes to the principles of COPE. The office staff checks submissions for originality, formatting standards and ABNT norms, communicates with authors, reviewers and editors, and collects statistics from the various indexing platforms where the journal is present. The journal uses PKP’s OJS 3 platform to manage the peer-review process, and, export the articles in XML format for indexers when necessary.
As part of the constantly improving editorial process, Kerygma adopted since 2022, new practices towards Open Science, such as encouraging authors to openly share data, codes, and materials from their research.
Journal Funding
Kerygma is financially supported by the Brazil Adventist University (UNASP).