The sacred on focus: an analysis of Veja magazine’s approach to the phenomena of religion
Postmodern, religious phenomena, Veja, postmodern press.Abstract
This research focused the religious perspectives portrayed in the covers of Brazil most popular weekly magazine Veja. In this area, it was perceived a significative change in the editorial line of this magazine, especially from 1990 onwards. It was also quite noticeable that the magazine adapted its content and language to the new religious configuration of the brazilian society. In view of these facts, the research tried to investigate the reasons for Veja’s changing approaches to the religious phenomena of the last 15 years. It started from the hypothesis that the cultural paradigmatic changes present in a postmodern society have profound effects on religion and on its perception by the press. In the religious field, these changes are perceptible through the weakening role of institutional religions and their ethics in society. In the postmodern press, they can be seen in the loosing of the social compromise of the press, and its submission to the interests of capital. Therefore, the magazine Veja adapted its contempt and approach to the contemporary religious perspectives of its readers, in order to win him over as a faithful consumer. Such an option is better perceived in the decline of topics dealing with the organizational and political aspects of religion, in favor of impact and spectacular topics with an acritical posture. Through a frequency and contempt analysis of the cover news of Veja, this study proposed specifically to investigate the adapting posture of this magazine to the expectations of its postmodern consumers.Downloads
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