The integration between the pastoral ministry and the publication ministry: how a pastor can make use of canvassing in his pastoral district
colporteur, growth, pastor, preaching, message, canvassing.Abstract
The objective of this research is to analyze the possibility of integration between the work of a pastor with the implementation of a program of Canvassing (evangelism through the selling of religious literature). From this perspective, the research aimed to identify the spiritual, practical and numerical results obtained by a pastor and his members trough Canvassing. The methodology of the research was based on the analysis of pertinent bibliographical sources on the subject. The research also surveyed 240 students of the Adventist Theological Seminary at the UNASP, Campus Engenheiro Coelho. This survey had the goal of verifying what were the expectations and the ideas of these students concerning this kind of integration in their future pastoral ministry. The research concluded that the integration between pastor and colporteur results in a doctrinal solidification of the members and in a numerical growth of converses to the Adventism. Thus we have qualitative growth (doctrinal and spiritual) and quantitative (baptisms).
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