Youth CD: Mass Culture in the Seventh-day Adventist Church?
Existentialism, Mass Culture, Religious Music, Youth, Adventism, Brazil.Abstract
Nowadays, the Christian music in the market for to the young Christian and Evangelical public is under an existentialistic influence. One of the possible reasons for that is the appropriation of the resources of mass culture in order to spread its message. In such a context, the music is transformed into a media of mass communication. It undergo a process of simplification of its content, and it appeals more to the emotions than to reason. This is one of the aspects of the mass culture that corresponds to the existentialistic paradigm. The simplification of the religious message is done in detriment of the eschatological nature of the biblical message. Since the Seventh-day Adventist Church is a recent eschatological movement, it is relevant to know if its most important musical production for young people in Brazil, the Youth CD, has been affected or not. This eventuality may result in the loss of its identity as the Church searches to become relevant to a society of postmodern young people.
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