The meaning of the death of the fourth animal and the survival of the others animals: an exegetic analysis of Daniel 7:11-12


  • Anderson Lopes
  • Laercio de Campos
  • Marcos Roberto de Oliveira


Divine Judgment, Fourth Animal, Eschatology, Daniel 7, 11-12.


The present study investigates the text of Daniel 7:11-12, where is stated that the little horn and the fourth animal were destroyed first, while the others animals were given an extension of life. From a traditional historical interpretation perspective, these animals represented successive kingdoms that follow each other until the time of the Divine Judgment. How to understand then that the fourth animal was destroyed first and the other only later on? The present study searches for answers within the parallelisms present in the very book of Daniel, especially in chapters 2 and 7 of the book, but also in Revelation 13 e 17 This research pointed that the parallelism existent between these chapters provides the answer, as they indicate to the intrinsic unity between the powers represented by the animals. The religious political power that is destroyed losses its support from the secular powers, which became the very responsible for its destruction. These other powers continue until the second coming of Christ, as described in Revelation, and will be destroyed only after the Millennium. The present study presents a possible solution to the problem.


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How to Cite

LOPES, A.; CAMPOS, L. de; OLIVEIRA, M. R. de. The meaning of the death of the fourth animal and the survival of the others animals: an exegetic analysis of Daniel 7:11-12. Kerygma, Engenheiro coelho (SP), v. 5, n. 2, p. 200–201, 2009. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.



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