Teenage and Its Conflicts: An Analysis of the Sabbath School Quarterly for Teenagers
Teenager, Conflict, God, Church, Sabbath School Quarterly.Abstract
In the field of the Theology of Christian Education there is an intense concern with the process of learning by a student, i.e., if he is really learning what has being taught. The present works from the perspective of the Theology of Christian Education, the Psychology of Human development, and the Seventh-day Adventist Church Proposal for teenagers. It also aims to help pastors, professors, and students by providing some means that may help the understanding, the analysis and acts of help to teenagers in their natural conflicts. Through an analysis of the Sabbath Schools Quarterly for teens, the research intends to explore a way for a better understanding of a teenager and his conflicts, and the challenge to improve a teenager relationship with himself, with his social environment and with God.
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